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15 Years on: Early Day Heroes

The success of every new club, without exception, comes down to one or more people working their butt off to ensure the club makes it through the challenges in the early days. The Eagles were no exception to this. Lets take a look at those who saw us through the early days.

The Founder – Amy Slater

Amy is the reason we have uni hockey in Edinburgh. She previously attended Newcastle University and took up hockey with the Wildcats. After finishing her degree there she moved on to Royal Dick Vet School in Edinburgh. She obviously realised that there was no hockey club at the university and sought to remedy that. So anyone who has pulled on a Pheagles shirt has her to thank, because her effort is the reason you are even reading this.

If you ask anyone around in that first year they will know the name Amy Slater. Distinguished and committed players are now awarded the ‘Amy Slater Award’ for their commitment, which is a fitting tribute to perhaps the most important person in Eagles history.

Cameron Thain

A Hong Kong native Cammy was man who put in a lot of effort to organise the club in the early days. On the ice he was known for a massive slap shot and a strange desire to dive head first to block shots. Off the ice he was a committed club man, who was always around to offer a helping hand. Cammy was the Napier point man in the early days and helped us recruit some quality talent from the school.

Wajahat Khan

A Heriot Watt student. Waj, as he was introduced, collected the money in the early days. Imagine having to try and get money out of students?!? He also organised the first ever Eagles jersey order. Regrettably for most the jerseys were a bit tight as Rhino at the time seemed to make jerseys for jockeys playing hockey (The picture shows Matt Dible wearing my original Eagles top). Waj also drove the first mini bus to Nationals.

Georges Necer-Lisboa

Georges was from Edinburgh Uni and was somewhat of a computer guru. He ultimately would set up the original website, which was great in its day, with a very active forum. Having a website and forum marked a big step on from the original yahoo group. He may have been clumsy as ever on the ice, but behind a keyboard he was Wayne Gretzky. Georges continues to play for the Edinburgh Phoenix in recreational hockey and was involved in the Scottish Plate winning side. The club would not have built the online presence it has without his vision.

Steve Walker

Steve was less of a factor in the first year, but a total legend afterwards. Steve also had mad computer skills (he set up my wifi) setting up a Scottish Recreational site. To our club he became the money man for the Phoenix (and by extension the Pheagles). He organised trips, put his own money into the club at times and was always there to look after us. The Phoenix and Eagles now compete in a series of friendlies for the Steve Walker Cup.

Eddie Baker

I cannot finish this list off without mentioning Steady Eddie Baker. Eddie was the first Eagles coach and the scorer of the first ever Eagles goal. Eddie was a main stay of the Phoenix and Eagles until just last year when he welcomed one of the next generations of Eagle, James Baker, into the world. Forgetting about on ice success for Eddie (because I do not want to double my work) his commitment to driving all over the UK sets Eddie apart. Nobody deserves a blissful family life like Eddie Baker.


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