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15 Years on: 25 Eagles Greatest Players - No. 16

Tyson Ruetz

The Canadian winger immediately built great chemistry with Anthony Selles and Stuart Zuzic in a line that was highly productive but responsible at both ends of the ice. Tyson’s hands were mesmeric and he had a shot that popped beautifully off his stick. However, Tyson was a playmaker and much preferred to set up his line mates, which I am sure Anthony enjoyed tremendously from a stats perspective.

Tyson was a truly great guy who was well respected by coaches and players alike. He was also known for his eco-friendly approach to hockey, as he would never use tape to keep his socks up and instead would opt for using an old pair of skate laces. However, quirkiness aside, Tyson’s standard of play makes a worthy addition to this list.


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